Environ ment

Is everound haman living and inanimate

              Types of The Environment



  》》》》》Environment issues《《《《



👉Waste water


🌴🍀🌱  Natural disaster  🌱🌴🌳

🌞Global warming🌞

🌁 Carthquake 🌁


Environment is everything that surrounds them, both living and non-living beings. Including concrete (Tangible and visible) and abstract (eg, culture, tradition, beliefs) influences related to each other. A factor in supporting each other. One factor is the impact of the strengthening or partly destroyed. Inevitably Environmental cycle and cycle related to the whole system.
Natural Disasters (Natural Disasters), various forms of nature that have been studied together. And record details May be summarized as 10 categories.

                 1. The explosion of the volcano (Volcano Eruptions)

.2. Earthquakes (Earthquakes)

                3. undercurrent (Tsunamis)

               4. Storm in various forms (Various Kinds of storms) is.

                                G the storm that originated in the Tropics Ocean (Tropical Cyclones).

                                B. The cyclone has terrestrial origin (Tornadoes).

                                C. Thunderstorm (Thunderstorms).

                5. Flood (Floods)

                6. drought or famine (Droughts).

                7. Fire (Fires)

                8. landslides and mudslides (Landslides and Mudslides).

                9. snowstorms and avalanches (Blizzard and Avalanches) and.

                10. anthrax in humans and animals (Human Epidemics and Animal Diseases).

Thailand has scheduled a disaster. a disaster The provision in the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Act of 2550, Section 4 that.
"Public" means a hurricane, fire, flood, drought, epidemics in humans. Anthrax Anthrax water The outbreak of pests As well as other disasters The impact on the public Whether caused by nature There are those caused by accidents or any other cause. Which pose a danger to life. Public bodies Or damage to public property or state and shall include an air disaster. And sabotage
            "Air raid" means a disaster caused by an air strike.
            "Sabotage" means any act aimed at the destruction of public property or state. Or a utility or system interruptions hinder the performance of any delay. As well as violence against the person, which caused a stir in the political, economic and social. The aim is to cause damage to the security of the state.
Other threats that affect the public. In the Act, including 
landslides, forest fires, earthquakes, tsunami, fire, lightning, cold disasters and the threat of chemical attack, the threat of hazardous buildings, transportation, etc.

